WA fishing bans now in place

WA fishing bans now in place

Anglers in Western Australia are reminded that the West Coast Bioregion is now closed to recreational fishing for demersal (bottom dwelling) scalefish species. The area ranges from Kalbarri to Augusta and closure remains in place until December 15, 2010.

The fishing closure applies to “high-risk” species, including dhufish, pink snapper and baldchin groper. According to the WA Department of Fisheries, these measures are in place to cut the recreational catch by 50 per cent following independent research that showed these species were being overfished.

Department of Fisheries spokesperson Nathan Harrison said a recent survey showed the management measures were helping to significantly reduce catch levels.

Harrison said Fisheries and Marine Officers would be focussing on the demersal species fishing closure in the West Coast Bioregion and applying stiff penalties to any recreational fishers who ignored it.

A full list of the species, which cannot be taken during the closure, can be found in the department’s Recreational Fishing Guide – West Coast Region. The guide is available online at www.fish.wa.gov.au or from Department of Fisheries offices and information outlets.