Coalition Welcomes Mako Back-Down
The Federal Coalition spokesman for Fisheries, Senator Richard Colbeck, said he welcomed the recent passing of legislation in the Senate to overturn the Federal Government’s ban on mako shark fishing.
Last year the office of Federal Environment Minister, Peter Garrett, had intended to ban the fishing of mako and porbeagle sharks under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, effective as of January 29, 2010. According to a press release from Senator Colbeck’s office, this came about as a result of international action triggered by threatened stocks of these sharks in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic Oceans, despite there being “no scientific evidence or data suggesting low stocks in or around Australian waters.”
The mako is a popular gamefish and the ban saw many recreational fishermen voice their opposition, resulting in a back-down from the Government in January.
Senator Colbeck said the overturning of the mak ban was a victory for common sense. “Recreational fishers, particularly gamefishers, charterboat operators and regional businesses reliant on their trade, will breathe a sigh of relief with the passing of this legislation,” said Colbeck.
Photo: Anglers vent their frustration over last year’s mako ban. Pictured is TrailerBoat contributor John Willis addressing a meeting earlier this year at a boat ramp in Torquay, Victoria.