Baz's blog: all the news from the TrailerBoat shed

Baz's Blog: All The News From The TrailerBoat Shed

Baz's blog: hypothermic landmines

Baz's blog: boiling cell phones

Baz's blog: The fun side of slaughter

Baz's Blog: turning 21 + 10 laws ofboating + Tom's top tests

Baz's Blog: madman's dream + stitching together a mag

Baz's Blog: Australia's Greatest Boats day 2

Baz's Blog: Australia's Greatest Boats - Day 1

Baz's blog: A day with Bear + Formula 19 battle cruiser

Baz's blog: Australia's Greatest Boat

Baz's blog: 200hp bream boats + kayaking to lunch + wild alloys

Baz's blog: Stunning test site + win a great toy + digital dramas