In the last edition, I had the pleasure of announcing that Daniel Camilleri, from NSW, had won our fantastic Webster’s Twinfisher 4.9 Runabout, fitted with a Yamaha F80 outboard, and he was obviously delighted. Who wouldn’t want to win a $45,000 fishing boat package.

But, with the winner announced, it’s time to move on to our next amazing giveaway boat — a brand-new Coastryder 6m Hard Top Fisherman, fitted with a brilliant Evinrude E-TEC 150hp outboard, that’s valued at more than $65,000.

This boat will be tricked up with all the latest electronics and fishing gadgetry, so the lucky winner will be getting a truly special boat. I know, because I just spent a week at Mandurah in WA, putting the new boat through its paces. And while there are a few minor things yet to be addressed before we start displaying this prize boat around the country (mainly only cosmetic), her handling and performance were excellent. Especially, her ability to effortlessly slice through chop and swell, without banging and crashing all over the ocean and the soft landings she delivered after coming of waves.

So, watch this space and check out the magazine for details of how you can be in the running to win this magnificent prize.

— Ian Macrae, Editor at Large