TradeBoats welcomes aboard Brisbane used quality trailerboats specialist John Crawford Marine.

JOHN CRAWFORD MARINE JOINS TRADEBOATS is delighted to welcome to its ranksBrisbane-based used trailer boat specialist John CrawfordMarine.

Founded in 1964 (one year shy of half a century) and now rununder the watchful eye of dealer principal Matthew Hodson, JohnCrawford Marine specialises in what Hodson passionately insists arequality trailerable boats.

"Our policy here is that the staff would not sell anything theywouldn't be happy to put myself, my wife and three children on,"says Hodson. "If something isn't right, it shouldn't leave theyard," he says.

A life-long supporter of all things related to the marinelifestyle - he's a 14-year dealership veteran and a vocal Directorof the Marine Queensland Board - Hodson says online advertisingneeds to work not only for the dealer but especially for the buyer,particularly for dealers like John Crawford Marine where theemphasis is on quality over quantity.

" is something that not only John CrawfordMarine, but many other dealers have been requesting for some time,"says Hodson.

"It's a fresh and affordable online presence, and since the siteoperates alongside Trade-a-Boat and TrailerBoatmagazines you get the best of both worlds," he says.

Indeed, the multi-platform publishing ability gives advertisersa unique opportunity to combine an online advertising presence,matched with traditional market-leading print titles, somethingwith which Hodson concurs.

"For me to have the print and internet presence at the same isgreat. I spend hours on my phone, my desktop computer, and then theiPad doing business. But like so many people, I love magazines,whether it's passing a copy round the office lunch room or readingit at home on the patio," he says.

As mentioned, Hodson emphasises that John Crawford Marinespecialises in buying, consigning and selling quality, late-modelused trailer boats. Check out

  • A free trade-in evaluation service for your boat. If you'rebased around Brisbane and want to know how much it's worth, you cancontact the team and send some photos along with details and specs.They'll check their records and sales history and tell you how muchit's worth. The team is seeking more boats for consignment and arehappy to hear from you.
  • A range of unique ABP-complaint fibreglass dinghies, theCrawford dinghies, rated up to 4hp (for the 9ft6in model).
  • Trailer maintenance and outboard engine servicing.
  • Comprehensive finance packages especially suitable for first orsecond-time boat buyers.
  • Hassle-free insurance and insurance condition reports throughNautilus Marine Insurance and Club Marine (the Queensland ClubMarine branch is located just next door).
