TrailerBoat August #272 out now!

TrailerBoat August #272 out now!

TrailerBoat 272 is in stores now! As always, it’s just $6.95 for Australia's only audited monthly small boats magazine (ok, it's not really monthly, it's actually 13 issues per year). Featuring…

  • Australia’s Greatest Boats 2011: Part I — Fibreglass Fishing Boats. The ULTIMATE shootout. Five of the best boats on the market, one winner. Who will come out on top?
  • More new boats tested: TABS 7100 Hardtop — unbelievable offshore plate-boat with enough options to keep a football team happy; Osprey 565HT — tough-as-nails Kiwi pontoon boat; Cobalt 232WSS wakeboat — American luxury and even better performance at its finest.
  • Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Port Stephens, NSW. How to get there, what to do, where to stay, and what to catch.
  • Plus all the latest news, views, spews, gadgets, gear, technical articles, fishing stories, reader complaints (just kidding) and more.