NSW Maritime Online Locators
Boaters looking for boat ramps, waterside fuel outlets and other boating services anywhere in NSW will now be able to locate them with just a few clicks of the mouse.
NSW Minister for Ports and Waterways, Paul McLeay recently launched a web resource that will help boaters find useful information or locations anywhere in the state.
“The NSW Maritime online locator (visit www.maritime.nsw.gov.au/locator.html) provides directions from any location in NSW to any boat ramp in the state,” said McLeay.
“This handy resource will enhance boaters’ time afloat, because it means they’ll spend less time trying to find the boat ramp and where to re-fuel and (have) more time on the water.
“It’s a particularly valuable resource for families with trailerboats. In a few minutes, they’ll be able to plan a boating trip in any part of the state, both inland and on the coast,” he said.
How it works:
• Type in the waterway, town or suburb where you want to start from;
• The locator will then list the nearest boat ramps, fuel outlets, pump-out facilities and NSW Maritime service centre (or other locations for boat registration and licence transactions such as RTA offices);
•A map of the chosen location will show those key features at a glance; and,
• Rolling the cursor over an item provides further detail about that facility, and a link to an application for obtaining directions.