Webster 4.9 Twinfisher aluminium power cat.

Win this Webster 4.9 Twinfisher!

Escape to a land of luxury as you break through the waves in your very own Webster's 4.9 Twinfisher with a F80BETX 4-Stroke Yamaha, or sit back and relax as you hit the open water for a fishing trip combined with

a sun-kissed snooze.

For your chance to win, subscribe to Trailer Boat or Trade-A-Boat for 100 free entries or receive 10 free entries when you purchase either Trailer Boat, Trade-A-Boat, Farms & Farm Machinery, Deals on Wheels or Earthmovers & Excavators.

Online, you are also able to get one free entry as well receive a free entry flyer at the upcoming Sydney Boat Show.