Win a CTEK automatic battery charger!

Win a CTEK automatic battery charger!

Send us your best marine photo for our “It Happens” reader submitted photographs department and win a CTEK M200 automatic battery charger valued at $399!

We’re after quality not quantity which means we don’t necessarily want the biggest or the fastest. Less can often better so send us your most interesting pictures from your time on the water.

Having a CTEK M200 battery charger means you’ll never again have to worry about forgetting to charge (or worse, overcharging!) your batteries. The CTEK is a smart device that actually reduces the charge once the battery reaches its optimum level. It can be used on almost any lead-acid battery and some gel batteries too, so you can share it around (and be the first on the water since you didn’t have to worry about forgetting to charge).

Visit for more information about the batteries. To find out how easy it is to enter, read
"It Happens" department in TrailerBoat.