Bioline biofilament is a fishing line that naturally degrades in the environment in five years or less.
Like flurocarbon, Bioline does not absorb water (unlike traditional monofilaments) and its characteristics do not change as it’s fished.
Bioline is also UV resistant, meaning it will only break down after extended periods due to microbial action in sediment, soil, compost and water. A leader or length of line that gets broken off will eventually degrade in less than five years, compared to six hundred years for nylon and many, many more years for braid and flurocarbon.
Stored in its original packaging, Bioline has a five-year shelf life. Once spooled on a reel, the line will retain 100 per cent of its tensile strength for between 10 to 12 months, with no special handling required. Even the spools are biodegradable, and the high quality attractive packaging contains a high proportion of recycled materials.
Bioline said its filament offers superior casting distance and exceptional knot strength, along with outstanding UV and abrasion resistance. When possible, land based disposal is always the preferred option, in which case a Bioline biofilament will completely degrade in six months or less in compost.
Bioline is made by DigFish Services Pty Ltd. It can be ordered from Seafood Services Australia.