Download the Shipmate Marine Directory as a Free App

Many readers will already be familiar with the Shipmate Marine Directory

, the pocket guide to marine trades and services (and many other things, which we’ll get to shortly) that has previously featured as a complimentary add-on to the cover of Victorian edition Trade-a-Boat magazines.

Launched in 2005, Shipmate was envisioned as a primarily Victorian pocket directory that listed marine trades and services by category, along with information and contact details for yacht clubs, marinas, marine organisations and more.

The Shipmate Marine directory is now available as free app for Android smartphones, having previously been released on iPhone. According to Shipmate, the directory now lists marine trades and services Australia wide.

In addition to marine trades and services, Shipmate also offers single-touch access to marine weather, synoptic charts, tides, wavebuoys and more. There’s even a Shipmate News department along with a Boating Events section listing marine events around Australia.

All Shipmate listings are provided free to any business or organisation that offers a product or service direct to boaters, with no prerequisite to be a part of any organisation or association. Contact Shipmate at or call (03) 9399 9194 for more information and for a free listing.