COMMERCIAL NEWS — Cairns businesses sponsor Singapore conference

COMMERCIAL NEWS - Cairns group sponsor Singapore conference

Far North Queensland’s Cairns Ship Repair Services (CSRP) is the third major sponsor for the Asian Work Boat 2011 exhibition and conference.

CSRP combines the expertise of three slipways — Norship Marine, Tropical Reef Shipyard, and Cairns Slipway. Together, these facilities have the leading slipway/travel-lift capacity in northern Australia, with the ability to handle a full range of vessel types (steel, timber, aluminium) up to 3000 tonnes.

CSRP joins the Singapore branch of power systems manufacturer Cummins and global P&I club Shipowners as the primary sponsors for Asian Work Boat 2011.

The sponsors support a wide range of around 130 exhibiting companies, including shipbuilding and repair yards; engine/propulsion system and other marine equipment manufacturers; naval architects; and many more from around the South East Asian region and across the globe, representing some 36 countries.

Asian Work Boat 2011 organisers said a conference programme will also run parallel with the event.

For further information, contact Kishore Navani (Baird Events), phone +61 3 9645 0411, fax +61 3 9645 0475,
email: or visit