NEW PRODUCTS - Satellite TV on the move

The TrackSat MkIV slimline satellite-TV tracking unit promises to bring all your favourite programmes onboard your boat with crystal clear news, sports and movies as well as weather updates either motoring slowly (6 to 7kts) or swinging at anchor.

According to the manufacturer, TrackSat Australia is a new, affordable, Australian-made dish-control system that can utilise any satellite service and is specially developed to be a low-cost, highly reliable system.

The TrackSat is made for Australian conditions and includes features like easy DIY installation, weatherproofing, auto-return to the satellite position and remote readout.

The Lange Group said it is the lowest cost satellite TV unit available that will track the satellites position to within 1.5 and
its unique design brings reception anywhere around the Australian Coast depending on the size of dish. It carries a 12-month warranty and a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.

“This means that the base cost is good for any location and at $2476 plus dish you can view the satellite TV service of your choice, on any size boat, sail or motor,” said the company.

For more information, brochure, or demonstration contact The Lange Group, Sanctuary Cove, phone 0402 791 438 or email: