Building the Savage Seas' HH

Building the Savage Seas' HH

The iconic Australian Haines Hunter legend lives on with an alliance formed with fishing and diving guru, Charlie Micallef, and his new Ferrari red hull 600R he calls Savage Seas.

Charlie has built a reputation as an awarded free diver and angler with a well-proven record of accomplishment for producing the goods with his DVD production, media appearances and fishing/boating tuition. The all-new Haines Hunter 600R fills Charlie’s prerequisites for a fast, smooth-riding package that will tame the savage seas while achieving great stability for his filming exploits.

The result is simply stunning. This beautiful boat shows the Haines Hunter dedication to practical research and development, as well as their skills in the moulding and production process. Its presentation is outstanding with an overall fit up, and choice of components truly matched to the premium product.

See this very boat being made at Haines Hunter…