NEWS — New Maritime Advisory Council for NSW

NEWS - New Maritime Advisory Council for NSW

The NSW Government says it will give the State’s boaters a “real say” at a ministerial level with the establishment of the Maritime Advisory Council.

The creation of the new body, under legislation by Roads and Ports Minister Duncan Gay, would be another source of expert and independent advice to the Minister on boating safety, as well as monitoring boating crash statistics and trends, and advising on expenditure priorities.

The Council will be independently chaired, and will have expertise-based representation from the major recreational boating and commercial vessel sectors.

“Sitting under the new integrated transport agency, Transport for NSW, this new advisory council will set new standards for transparency and accountability,” said Gay.

“Those sought out to give advice to the Minister will be people who live and breathe the industry.

“One of the first priorities for the Council will be to help develop a policy agenda for safety reforms, access to waterways, and boat storage.

“These three challenges have been squarely laid at our door and I’m looking to the Council, key boating groups, and everyone who enjoys boating of any kind to help solve these problems,” he said.

Full details of the Council are due to be announced before the start of the new boating season in October, with members selected after a public expression of interest process.

Photo: NSW Roads and Ports Minister Duncan Gay.