Kohler Generators

SCBF: Kohler Generators

Power up with Kohler

At Kohler, we believe every generator we make – every weld, wire and circuit – is testament to our quality. That’s why our latest marine gensets are smaller and quieter with less vibration than ever before. We design and build these machines to exceed standards set by industry certification bodies. 

We’ve also created the first marine generators with built-in paralleling controllers. Our PGEN connection parallels up to eight Kohler generators of varying sizes with a single communication wire.

Since becoming a 100 per cent Kohler company, Clarke Energy has built on their strong reputation for delivering quality products and service to the South Pacific by developing a highly skilled network to grow the Kohler marine business. While others talk of declining business, the Kohler brand continues to grow in this region with advanced, reliable generators supported by our experienced and skilled marine partners.

Heading to Sanctuary Cove Boating Festival? Come see us on the Promenade and decide for yourself.